Thursday, February 13, 2020

Stasi Football Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Stasi Football - Essay Example Throughout the course of history mankind has seemingly been guided by a sense of competition. Overtime, however, competition has evolved from a sense of survival to a source of pride and achievement. Even though cultures from all across the world have differing values and even languages, having a competitive nature is a value of the human spirit that can connect us all. Through the development of organizations such as the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and the International Association of Football Federation (FIFA), platforms were created to connect people internationally in innocuous sporting competitions. The growth of nations competing in sport amongst each other brought with it the ability for countries express their national pride. In Germany’s case, post World War II, sporting spectacles such as these were significantly important in the rekindling of a sense of national identity. The power of sport was epitomized in the 1954 FIFA World Cup Final in which the heavi ly favored Hungarian soccer team lost to West Germany’s national team. The symbolic victory, which became known as the â€Å"Miracle of Berne†, evoked a surge of euphoria all over West Germany. Not only did this victory lift up a nation that had been both economically and spiritually shattered by the war, but also it caused the sport to become a fixated symbol in West German culture.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

We 8 CRJ 520II Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

We 8 CRJ 520II - Research Paper Example The move towards evaluation of program outcomes has moved from the intent of activities to the actual occurrence of the intended change. The most important stage in program implementation is to determine whether the achievements are taking place in the adopted activities. This is to determine whether there were other factors that contributed towards the occurrence of the change (Hatry, Newcomer & Wholey, 2013). This methodology of assessing whether there were other extra factors contributing to a program’s change is known as SROI (Social Return on Investment). SROI is an evaluation framework that assesses the outcomes of a practice or a program. In order to achieve the intended goals, there are four factors that need to be evaluated. These factors include deadweight, attribution, displacement, and drop off. Deadweight-this is the changes that people expected to take place anyway. Deadweight accounts for any part of change that would happen due to either internal motivations or environmental factors. For instance, the objectives of a certain community program may be to increase job opportunities for the residents. However, a portion of those employed may also get may also get employed due to changes of the labor market. The portion of those counted to could have found a job due to factors other than the activities of the program should not be included when evaluating the program (Royse, Thyer & Padgett, 2010). Displacement- this factor focuses on whether the achieved change resulted in some sort of displacement or unintended costs. For instance, a crime prevention program may be implemented to reduce criminal activities in a certain neighborhood and not displacing such criminal activities in the neighborhood community (Hatry, Newcomer & Wholey, 2013). The value of reducing criminal activities in the intended region would be